Services Offered





Com-Linq Central Station is a communications company.  We don't just monitor burglar and fire alarm signals.  Medical, hold-up, duress, temperature, process monitoring, tower lights, and anything else you can tie a relay to, are all options that we can monitor.  Utilizing a Sur Gard System III, we can monitor any type of format (excluding a very few proprietary formats).  We also have DMP SCS-1R, Radionics D6500, AlarmNet and AES receivers.

Interested in IP monitoring?  We can accept IP signals from DMP, Honeywell and DSC products.  We currently have two different ISPs for redundant paths.  We don't just have two different IP address, we have two different IP address from two different providers of two different services (one from the local phone company and a different from the local cable provider).

Our average response time to signals is 15 seconds.

Com-Linq is proud to use SimsII automation.




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